Welcome to Witcount's Team Features

How can you make a Competitive team?

  • Team Name: Choose a name that reflects your team's purpose and goals.
  • Team Size: Select the team size that best suits your needs. Curious Collective is for teams of 1-18 members, while Global/Community Team is for teams of 19+ members.
  • Team Profile Photo: Upload a photo that represents your team's personality and values.
  • Team Slogan: Craft a catchy slogan that captures the essence of your team.
  • Main Category: Select the category that best describes your team's area of interest or expertise.
  • Teammates Needed: Specify the number of teammates you are looking for and the skills or experience they should possess.
  • Team Goals: Clearly define your team's goals and objectives.
  • Team Description: Provide a detailed description of your team's purpose, values, and activities.
  • Team Rules: Establish clear and fair rules for team members to follow.

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